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Hardie Pacific has 50 years of experience in the property and strategic minerals sectors of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.  Our major focus is currently on magnesium rich ultramafic rocks which are conducive to CO2 mineralisation, generating natural hydrogen, and critical mineral exploration across the region.

Our Vision

Technological advances and the growing focus on environmental issues have created business opportunities in the carbon sequestration and renewable energy fields. Hardie Pacific brings together the innovators, the financiers, and the necessary experience to ensure that these opportunities become realities.

We are working to bring carbon dioxide mineralization and natural hydrogen industries to the southern hemisphere. Carbon mineralisation allows for the safe, permanent storage of carbon dioxide collected from industrial sources or directly from the atmosphere. The mineralisation reaction releases hydrogen gas which can be collected and used for energy production.

Our projects meet our high standards of social responsibility and environmental sustainability. We are committed to ushering in the low carbon future.

Our History

Duncan Hardie, the Founder and Director of Hardie Pacific, found early success with property development in Aotearoa NZ. This allowed for a scaled continuation in Australia from which Goodman Hardie evolved into a global player in industrial property.

2005 marked the creation of subsidiary company Biodiversity Land Pty Ltd, the first dedicated biodiversity land company in NSW, Australia. The move was in response to the growing public awareness for protection of the environment.

The period 2010 through 2015 saw Hardie Pacific complement its property portfolio with investment into the resources sector.

The significance of biodiversity and the importance of sustainability provided a natural broadening of the group’s base.

In 2018 we started investigations into carbon sequestration using the ultramafic rocks of Aotearoa NZ and NSW, Australia. As we continue to our drilling program in NZ, we are encouraged by the results.

Today, our emphasis is on carbon mineralisation, natural hydrogen, and critical mineral exploration.

Our investment record of over fifty years demonstrates our ability to seek and act on early potential.