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The NSW government forecasts that the Greater Sydney Area will reach capacity of their non-putrescible general solid waste facilities by 2028. To help alleviate the capacity shortage, Three Mile Hill Pty Ltd is seeking development approval to operate a waste management facility in the Hunter Region. The proposed Three Mile Hill Waste Facility will repurpose a former gravel and coal quarry to a waste management facility comprising an inert landfill and a resource recovery area.

The proposed resource recovery area would recover materials for re-use and recycling, helping to achieve the increased recycling rates and landfill diversion targets identified in regional, state, and national policies.

In summary, Three Mile Hill proposes:

  • a resource recovery area that handles of up to 100,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of general solid waste (non-putrescible); and
  • disposal of up to 150,000 tpa of general solid waste (non-putrescible) by landfilling (comprising approximately 25,000 tpa of residual output from the on-site resource recovery facility, plus approximately 125,000 tpa of waste from external sources).

The project is classified as Regionally Significant Development under Schedule 6, section 7(c) of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021.