CO2 Mineralisation
Current projections show that it is likely that the world will surpass the global warming target of 1.5°C due to excessive CO2 in the atmosphere. Reaching these climate targets will require rapid and sustained reduction in emissions, the capture and storage of hard to abate emissions, and the removal of atmospheric CO2 (negative emissions) at large scales.
There are various methods for carbon dioxide storage ranging from natural solutions like tree planting and soil sequestration to engineered approaches such as direct air capture and ocean fertilization. Each method has distinct CO2 storage capacities and average storage durations before eventually being release back into the atmosphere.
Hardie Pacific is actively working to introduce carbon mineralisation to the southern hemisphere. Our Australian company, Carbozorb, has permit locations in New South Wales, while our New Zealand company, Weora, has permits spanning much of the country. As the CO2 naturally reacts with MgO rich rocks, the process is recognised as being permanently stored.
We collaborate with researchers from universities and industries that emit CO2 and other harmful gases, such as fluorine. Together, we aim to prevent the release of these gases into the atmosphere and instead store them securely and permanently mineralised.
Natural Hydrogen
Ultramafic rocks produce natural hydrogen (H2) when metamorphosed in the presence of water, a process called serpentinisation. Although natural hydrogen exploration is still in its infancy, seeps are known to occur around the world, including within Weora and Carbozorb’s licence areas. One of the world’s largest seeps, is at Poison Bay, Fiordland, New Zealand.
It is unlikely that hydrogen will be found in pressurised stagnant reservoirs, as with traditional methane deposits, instead, natural hydrogen occurs more often as slow flowing accumulations. Hydrogen gas is being continually generated from the serpentisation of the ultramafic rocks and it flows along the natural fractures within the rock mass. We are investigating the economic potential for natural hydrogen across the licence portfolio’s and whether engineered systems for in situ carbon mineralisation could commercially produce hydrogen, which when captured can be used for power generation, industry, motor vehicles and others.